Truman's Pathfinder

Truman's Pathfinder

Counseling & Mental Health in Austin, Texas

Counseling & Mental Health Marriage & Family Counseling

Contact us


971 E 38th St,
Austin , Texas 78705 UNITED STATES

About Truman's Pathfinder

"The American Dream",

The vision goes as suburban house, good job to retire from, a nice spouse who has a good job, with a couple of nice kids, and throw a dog in there with a picket fence. There is something strange going on, go ahead and take a walk around your neighborhood and see who has this rendition of this lifestyle, if you do let us know. This dream only happens to the top %1 that live in Belmont/Weston, MA and Malibu, CA. For average Americans this reality is almost the polar opposite


Everything is temporary
We are social beings with a social duty
Hedonism is not the path to happiness
Fame & Fortune are overrated
A philosophy of life must be lived
Do not long for an ideal situation
Maximize positive emotions and minimize negative emotions


Rephrase goals so that they are entirely within your control
Have nothing you are not prepared to lose
Live simply
Negative visualization
Exercise self-denial
Resist materialism
Accept what cannot be changed
Refuse to consider yourself the victim
Practice misfortune
Live in accordance with human nature

Tru Man


Truman's Pathfinder 512-790-4312
971 E 38th St,
Austin , Texas 78705 UNITED STATES
Truman's Pathfinder

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Truman's Pathfinder
Counseling & Mental Health
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